Ableton Not Working With Mac Trackpad

Oct 17, 2019  Here's how to turn on three finger drag if your Mac has a Force Touch trackpad. From the Apple menu, choose System Preferences. Click the Accessibility icon. Choose Mouse & Trackpad from the options on the left. Jun 12, 2011  Apple Magic Trackpad: How is it with Ableton Live? Post by alexjholland » Sun May 15, 2011 10:47 am Hey, I have an iMac i7 with the bluetooth keyboard and magic mouse. Mar 30, 2018 The first thing you should do when your Mac trackpad is not working properly is to check what problems the trackpad really has. Check whether the cursor is jumping and bouncing around like the trackpad doesn't know where your fingers are touching; Or move the cursor on an app icon to check if it's clicking repeatedly. Sep 15, 2015  Trackpad multi-finger gestures not working! I own an Alienware 15 and have just recently upgraded to windows 10. Upon installation all multifinger gestures were working properly; however, after the first day (and I need to clarify, it did not happen after the first reboot, rather it happened I think after an update) the gestures got changed to. Oct 19, 2015  It’s a bit slower than using a trackpad, but not massively slow after a bit of practice. It takes 3 seconds to cross my screen. In “ A Higher State of Mouselessness ” l show you shortcuts to jump the cursor around the screen to focus on the different sections of Ableton Live, so you should normally only need Mouse Keys for short distances.

  1. Mac Touchpad Not Working
  2. Ableton Not Working With Mac Trackpad Pro
  3. Trackpad Not Working Bootcamp
  4. Mac Trackpad Not Working

Mac Touchpad Not Working

Hi jmcgale,
Welcome to Apple Support Communities. I understand that your built-in keyboard and trackpad are no longer responsive. I also see that you've reset the NVRAM and SMC, but are only able to use an external keyboard and mouse. I can see why you'd reach out for assistance with this; I'd like to help. First, use the steps here to boot your Mac in safe mode using the external keyboard you've attached: Use safe mode to isolate issues with your Mac
In safe mode, test to see if you're able to use the built in keyboard and trackpad. If so, restart normally, disconnect the external accessories and test again.
If the issue persists, use this guide to run First Aid on your disk: Repair a disk using Disk Utility on Mac
Test again and let me know what you find.
You can also use these steps to run a hardware test to determine if there is a hardware issue with the keyboard and trackpad: How to use Apple Hardware Test on your Mac
Best Regards.
hello, i just bought a new pc, a dell inspiron 13. i had a macbook pro before.
I have a problem with the trackpad usign Live: when I try to scroll up and down with 2 fingers it doesn't work properly, it's really slow. and the horizontal scroll doesn't work at all.
Another problem is that while i play notes with the computer keybord and move the mouse occasionally the cursor get's stuck and stops moving.
TrackpadThe trackpad works properly with borwser windows and other apps.
I was in live 8.4
I downloaded live 9 to check, but the problem persists.
Didn't find any driver update for the trackpad

Ableton Not Working With Mac Trackpad Pro

Can anybody help?

Trackpad Not Working Bootcamp

Mac Trackpad Not Working
