Aggregate Audio Device Mac Ableton

  1. Audio Device Vista
  2. Ableton 10 Mac
Aggregate Audio Device Mac AbletonAggregate audio device mac ableton 10

Audio Device Vista

Tip For Ableton Live Users. If you have only one external audio interface, you can create an aggregate device with the built-in audio interface on your Mac. A nice trick would be to use the built-in output on the MacBook Pro as a preview out for Ableton Live. Ableton Live - Using Multiple Interfaces on Mac. In spotlight search for Audio MIDI Setup. Open Audio MIDI Setup. At the bottom left corner of the Audio Device window click the + symbol and create a new aggregate device. You should now see your aggregate device listed. Click on the aggregate device in the list, and then check the Audio Devices. On Mac it is possible to choose different interfaces as Input and Output device in Live. It's also possible to combine multiple audio interfaces into an aggregate device at a system level. Creating an aggregate device is a way to group multiple audio interfaces into one virtual device so that Live can communicate with a single, solitary virtual audio interface. Oct 17, 2017  Combine multiple audio interfaces by creating an Aggregate Device - Use the Aggregate Device as the sound output of your Mac From the Finder, choose Go Utilities. Control-click the Aggregate Device in the left column, then choose 'Use this device for sound output' or 'Use this device.

To any wise soul:
I am trying desperately to create an aggregate audio device so that I can use my studio mic, which I am running through an ART Tube MP Pro Series Pre Amp USB device while playing back my audio through my PowerBook's Core Audio Driver.
I successfully created the device using the Apple Utility: Audio Midi Setup. And I have the clock set on my Tube MP's Input (2In). The device also includes the Core Audio (2in and 2out).
So the trouble is that when I hit record in Logic Express 8 (after selecting the aggregate audio driver) the sound is great for about 30 secs and then anything I record after that is subject to terrible distortion and a strange echo. The distortion is only there when I say something into the mic, there is no noise when there is no input audio.
I can't for the life of me figure out what I need to do to correct the problem. The only thing I can think is that maybe the clock is screwed up or something and the signal is being impaired by jitter. But I really have no clue.
Has anyone experienced and solved this problem? I would really appreciate any help.

Logic Express 8, Mac OS X (10.5.2)

Ableton 10 Mac

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